Three Hobbies that are Proven Stress Relievers

Taking a break.

Samira Ali

hobbies that relieve stress

Taking a break from constant activity is important to human health. Today, we are exposed to screens so much that we sometimes forget to look away. I am guilty of this too. I work on my computer, and when I’m on a break, I end up on my phone. I acknowledge that this is unhealthy.
There are several things that people engage in as hobbies to pass the time or to relieve some mental pressure without involving screen time. I will share three things I do to pass the time and relax.


A lot of people think knitting is for grandmothers. It isn’t. Research proves that knitting is an effective stress reliever and mood booster. I have found that when I knit, I easily get lost in the flow and feel mentally free and light. I will probably share a couple of my little projects in the future. I’m still a beginner, though

Colouring Mandalas

It may be a more popular stress reliever for some than knitting. Colouring calms the mind and boosts happiness. It’s not just for children anymore. You can always find adult colouring books with complex patterns so you don’t get bored. You may not believe it, but I cured myself of a headache by colouring a mandala some time ago. I put on meditative music and coloured away. After a few minutes, I felt significant relief. By the time I had finished colouring, my headache was gone, like it was never there.


Reading is probably the most popular way for most people to stay away from screens and some, to relax. I don’t do it nearly as much as I used to, but I’m trying to get back into it. I have not read a novel in ages. So far, I’ve only been drawn to self-help books and other non-fiction to fulfill my curiosity about different subjects.

I have tried audio books too. Those were useful on commutes where it was inconvenient to stop reading for transits and awkward stops. I enjoy it when the authors themselves read their audio books. Barack Obama’s A Promised Land was a joy to listen to.

What hobbies do you engage in to pass the time and relax while keeping away from the screens that have enslaved us? Share with me in the comments. I’m interested!!

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